Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Summer's Almost Gone, Winter's Coming On; Mayer and Good Ask Help with Heat

In the October/November (St. Mark's Church In-The-Bowery) Poetry Project Newsletter, which came to my mailbox today, there is the following notice:


Bernadette Mayer and Philip Good need to raise money to pay for heating fuel. Already three months behind in monthly payments. People can send money to Giorno Poetry Systems (222 Bowery, 3rd Fl., New York, NY, 10012, United States); write "Bernadette Mayer Fund" in the memo.


I heartily recommend that people reading this here do send along a check.

I am going to send a check for $50. (I will report, dear reader, when I actually
have sent it).

I frankly was not very conscious of Mayer's work until the cerebral aneurysm she suffered in 1994. The outpouring of love for Bernadette as person and writer that then ensued motivated me to study her work and I was not disappointed with what I found.

But of this I am ashamed: I kept telling myself that I would contribute to the fund for Mayer's medical expenses that was set up at that time, and never did I do so.

(However in mitigation I can state that I did participate in the first Workshop that Bernadette taught at St. Mark's after her medical emergency and so at least the fee I paid for the Workshop was of some monetary help to her).

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Saturday, September 20, 2008


They Say This Makes a Life

Arbeit und Liebe--
Toil and Trouble.


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